Saturday, September 27, 2014

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Joe Konrath's post about publishing.

Joe Konrath has and excellent post about he Amazon and Hatchett battle. Konrath As always he gets to the heart of the matter. Mr. Konrath reminds me of a Terrier after a rat. You know it's not fair, but it is so interesting to watch.

I add the comment below to his post.

 G.L. Snodgrass said...
Question. How many Scriptoriums are left. That is what is going to happen to the publishers. Guttenberg's Press wasn't revolutionary because it created more readers. It was revolutionary because it created more authors. Authors that could bypass the powerful church and speak directly to the reader. The number of books increased and prices decreased. Amazon has changed the supply and demand curve. Whenever that happens, the old ways of doing business die.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Indies Unlimited

The web site Indies Unlimited is hosting a Print Book pampalmousse with a list of indie print books on sale. I have included my Certain Rules.

Here is the site

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I have moved some of my books over to Amazon KDP. This is an exclusive 90 day period where I can't list my books on other E distributers. I am starting with Worth Saving and Prom Date. Currently I'm selling them for $.99 but will lower them to free in a couple of weeks.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Free Coupon

Would you like a coupon to get one of my books free? If so, Email me and I'll send you a Smashwords coupon.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


One of my readers left a wonderful, beautiful, great review on Goodreads. Check it out at

My favorite part was

"If you want to read a story full of twists that can make you smile and cry and believe the story and root for the characters and their happiness, this is it."

Life is so great
